Zyxel Circle & Marketplace platforms are designed to transform the way you do business. Now you can easily buy and renew Zyxel licenses with just a single click from our online stores. We offer clear status of your service and give you intuitive automatic license activation after your purchase. For more advanced client management features, Circle is a simpler way for our partners to manage and grow their business.

Circle vs. Marketplace, which one is for you?

For Partners - Circle
Zyxel Circle is a simpler way for our partners to do business on a single management platform. It has been designed to help simplify our subscriptions services and management, by bringing them together.
For Clients - Marketplace
Zyxel Marketplace, an intuitive online shop that we want to bring a customer-centric designed platform for license to effortlessly buy and deploy their purchasing and management.

How the Platform Can Help Your Business

Account-linked Store
License Key Store
Auto Activation
Online Payment
Expiration Reminder
Order History

the device


Add the license
to the shopping cart


Check out and
confirm order


Automatic license
activation after purchase

A Single Platform to Buy All Zyxel Services

Zyxel offers flexible options not only for businesses of all sizes but also for various verticals. In the Zyxel Marketplace and Nebula Control Center (NCC), you can discover all of Zyxel's services that empower your network with reliable connectivity, cutting-edge cloud management capabilities, and robust security protection. For partners, Zyxel Circle simplifies your subscription services and management by bringing them together.


  • Which payment provider does Circle use?

    Circle uses Fastspring, a well-established, secure, credit card payment gateway service to process your credit card payment. FastSpring is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider, which is the most stringent level of certification available in the payment industry. All credit card payments processed in the FastSpring platform comply with the regulation standards.
  • What payment methods are accepted?

    We currently accept credit cards, PayPal, Amazon pay, wire transfer, and Alternate Payment Methods (Giropay, iDEAL, Sofort, WebMoney, and Alipay).
  • How do I find the correct license(s) for my device(s)?

    If you'd like to purchase the license and activate it right away, please go to my device page and select the device(s) for renewal, we will filter and recommend the best license(s) for you. If you'd like to purchase a single license key, please go to the license store page. All the licenses are well categorized and easy to search.
  • How can I get devices into Circle?

    Click the "Add Device" button to register new device(s) or import registered device(s) from myZyxel and synchronize Devices, Organizations, and Sites from the Nebula Control Center (NCC). You have the option to import your own devices or send a request to the device owner for access.
  • How can I organize my devices?

    Circle provides the flexibiity to organize your devices into site, organization and group. Select one or more sites to create an organization. Select one or more organizations to create a group.
  • What will I receive after the purchase?

    For the users who have purchased with device selection will receive an order receipt and notice of the license activation. For the users who have purchased through the license store will receive an order with the license key on it. The ordering details and invoice can be found from order history page in Circle as well.
  • Can I find my order history and download the invoice again?

    Yes, login to Circle and click into Order History.
  • Can I buy device(s) in Circle?

    We are sorry, but Zyxel Circle currently only supports the purchase and renewal of security licenses. If you are seeking hardware devices, please visit the Zyxel EU store or contact a local reseller near you.