Green Statement

For the environment, sustainable development, and customer health, Zyxel committed to developing non-hazardous, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly products. And we comply with global regulations (RoHS, REACH, POPs, PPW, WEEE, etc..) that promote environmental sustainability policy and activity. Our design principles are as follows:
  • Use non-hazardous materials
  • Reduce materials or use renewable materials
  • Reduce product weight and volume
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to disassemble and recycle
green statement
product design principles
Print content of QSG/warranty card on the brown box and scan with QRcode to save paper and printing waste.
product design principles
Redesign and optimize the structure to reduce overall weight, volume of packaging, and increase stacking efficiency.
product design principles
Product packaging reduces the use of plastic bags.

Energy-efficient management

Zyxel aims to work on reducing the energy consumption of networking products and improve energy efficiency. In order to reduce energy lost from power conversion.

Choose higher efficiency Power adapter from 77 percent to 83 percent to reduce energy lost from power conversion. Most of the Power adapters can support at least 85 percent active power efficiency.
PoE feature supply the actual watts that the devices need with auto-detection capability to reduce the power consumption and increases the potential amount of connected power devices.

As a global corporate citizen, Zyxel fulfills its social responsibility for human rights and environmental protection. We commits not use conflict minerals, and follow the requirement of the Responsible Minerals Initiative and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) "Guidelines for Due Diligence of Mineral Supply Chains in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas", implement regular due diligence to require all suppliers to disclose the use of smelters relevant information by using the latest Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) for Gold, Tin, Tungsten and Tantalum. Besides, Zyxel increase the minerals survey for Cobalt and Mica by using the latest Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT).

Annual Mineral Source Survey

Zyxel conduct annual survey of conflict mineral source on product and supplier, survey coverage % are as follows.

Survey results

Annual Mineral Source Survey Chart
Annual Mineral Source Survey Chart

For 2023, Distribution area and numbers of qualified smelters listed in the following.

Annual Mineral Source Survey chart
Annual Mineral Source Survey Chart
Annual Mineral Source Survey chart
Annual Mineral Source Survey chart


green statement recycling

Based on the requirements of the PPW Directive 94/62/EC and fulfilling the responsibility for environmental protection, packaging materials are designed with reduced volume and weight, easy to recycle and non-hazardous. and the plastic package are marked according to ISO 11469.

Zyxel is responsible to ensure that the product design considers waste reduction, recycling, and disposal based on repair, upgrade, reuse, and disassembly and complies with the requirements of the WEEE directive and fulfills its recycling responsibilities.

Zyxel is registered directly with the national WEEE Registry and/or the WEEE collective scheme, and has labeled its products with the appropriate WEEE logo and added relevant information about the recycling considerations to its customers in the documentation provided with the product.