Top hero

Striving for perfection

In technology, social responsibility, and environmental care

net zero section

Reach net zero 
by 2040


Zyxel Communications pledges to reduce 50% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2040*, starting from the base year of 2021.

*We aim to achieve the net-zero targets in our own operations by 2040, and extend this goal to our supply chain with the latest target set for 2050. 
**The data presented on the website is from the 2022 Zyxel Group Sustainability Report.


sustainable future

Toward a connected and sustainable future

Rooted in ethical and profitable business practices, our sustainability commitments focus on technology-enabled solutions to benefit the communities we collaborate with. We actively minimize our environmental footprint while creating shared value among stakeholders.


Promoting sustainable living

Carbon reduction is ingrained in Zyxelers’ DNA, evident in the initiatives we undertake. Through hosting various carbon reduction campaigns, we inspire and educate our employees, fostering a heightened awareness of carbon-consciousness.

Sustainability downloads

Download our latest sustainability report, statements and documents. Find out the policies that govern how we do business.

Get in touch with us

On the way to sustainability, we value your feedback, opinions, and advice. Stay informed about our progress by following us on LinkedIn, subscribing to our ESG newsletters, or reaching out to us today.