Zyxel Group achieves MSCI ESG ratings of A

MSCI, one of the world's top three influential ESG assessment organizations, recently released its ESG ratings, awarding Zyxel Group an A grade. We excelled in three key areas: Human Capital Development, Supply Chain Labor Standards, and Corporate Governance. This recognition underscores Zyxel Group's global standing in sustainability.



As the trend of global sustainable investments continues to grow, companies with higher ESG ratings are increasingly attractive to investors. International prominent ESG assessment organizations include S&P Global, MSCI, and FTSE Russell, each employing distinct assessment methodologies.

MSCI's ESG ratings encompass three dimensions: Environment, Social, and Governance. These dimensions are further categorized into ten major themes and 33 corresponding key indicators. Weightings are assigned to key indicators based on the industry of each company, resulting in ESG ratings ranging from AAA to CCC. This system evaluates a company's resilience in addressing ESG risks.